The Sluts
•Some quotes I liked: “I used to be so into trying to understand myself, but now I just want to do things, and not understand them.” "Everyone seems to want this to end in some logical way. I started this whole thing because I wanted to know and feel something important, and when I eventually realized it wouldn't happen with Brad, I gave up. Of course I knew Brad, and you didn't. Brad was just your idea, and I guess you think he's a great idea. He may be a great idea, but Brad himself is just a kid who got drafted into the job of representing an idea. Now Brad is just a name. You don't even know who it belongs to anymore. The point is, this is your story and your ending, not Brad's and mine. I used to wish our story would end something like this. Maybe I still wish it had, but it didn't and it won't." “You're getting pretty heavy on me, and I don't really have a problem with that, but the whole thing for me is that you love me, and if you don't anymore, then I don't know what the fuck to do. If you love me, I'll do fucking anything you want, don't you know that? I fucking swear. I don't know what you want me to say about your rules. I feel like I don't know what answers you expect, and I'm bad when I don't know what people want, because I always make the wrong decision.”